Please contact us!
Center for Excellence in Teaching and LearningCETL
Dickey Hall, Room 233
1570 Baltimore Pike
Lincoln University, PA
Zoom is the tool for collaborating and engaging synchronously with your students. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing. Visit CETL's Workshops, Events, and Training Sessions page to see upcoming workshops and view videos of past workshops.
Zoom video conference application allows you to connect with students, faculty, and staff. Faculty may obtain a Zoom Pro account via Information Technology (IT).
Request Zoom Pro by submitting an IT software request form. Please note that to submit the form, there is a "request Item" link on the top right of the form.
To determine if your computer hardware and software are compatible with Zoom, please review the Zoom system requirements.
CETL faculty Zoom ambassadors are available to assist you with using Zoom to enhance your course and with your Zoom technical issues.