Photos, Videos and Broadcast

Requests to Film/Photograph on Campus

Lincoln facilitates reasonable requests for photography and filming on campus by professional journalists involved in news gathering or by filmmakers for historical documentary purposes. Please contact the Office of Special Events and Conference Services before scheduling interviews or arriving on campus.

Notice of Filming & Photography

Use this notice when holding an event where film or photos will be taken.

8.5 X 11 - Single Notice 4 X 4 - Quad Sheet

Photo Image Release

A signed photo image release must be on file for any photography request where minors will be present. The form is available for download in Word or PDF format.

Stock Photographs of Lincoln University

The Office of Communications & Public Relations archives photos from various university events on the University's Flickr page, which are available for download. To obtain other photographs related to press releases or of Lincoln individuals and events, please contact the communications office. Any photographs used must be provided with appropriate credit and be used for editorial purposes only. Altering or otherwise embellishing these photographs in any way that changes the photographs’ editorial content is prohibited.

Video B-Roll

Broadcast news media requests for campus B-roll should be directed to Alan Box, media manager, Media Center,

Basic Rules For The Media

Lincoln University's campus is private property. Lincoln reserves the right to refuse permission to film or photograph on Lincoln-owned lands for any reason.

Non-news photography or filming requests should be made in writing at least five days in advance to the Office of Community & Government Relations.

Permission is required to shoot inside any buildings or facilities in all circumstances, including administration and office buildings, classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, dining areas and recreation facilities.

Basic Rules For Faculty, Staff and Students

University units inviting any external organization to photograph or film any buildings or facilities in all circumstances, including administration and office buildings, classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, dining areas and recreation facilities on campus should request access in writing at least five days in advance to the Office of Community & Government Relations.